We love to Bobcat

Primary mission on this trip was to utilize a Bobcat in order to clear out driveway corners, and to blaze a new trail that will lead to a potential new path (stairs) to water, and put in private camping sites.
In attendance were Bryan, Dave and John; Keith came up later on Friday night and was there to help on Saturday.
We started with the normal mowing and clean-up, and then got to work clearing out the driveway corners with the Bobcat. After that was done, we started work on a new trail that parallels the bluff line. With the Bobcat, it was easier to wrap a chain around the trees, to which none were greater than a few inches in diameter, and "pluck" them out of the ground, roots and all.
Had some relaxing time throwing horseshoes, making supper, and just hanging around the fire.
Breakfast the next morning, and then back at it. Bryan and Keith worked the Bobcat/tree plucking work, while John and Dave cut up some dead trees and hauling piles of firewood strewn across the property, and then bringing it all back to our new campsite. I cleaned out the storage garbage cans; they get condensation and leak water, so everything was wet and needed to be re-sorted and dried out. I am in such need to outfit the enclosed trailer to be done with these garbage cans, which really don't lend themselves to the vision we have..... not natural.
While Keith and I were traipsing the bluff looking for the correct path for stairs, I stumbled across a snake sunning itself. I have seen many snakes ("many" being a relative term; I've probably seen a dozen snakes in my five years at the property), but this one looked different. John came to inspect, and it rattled. So, was this a timber rattlesnake? After inspecting it for a bit, we went on our way and let the snake go on its way. People ask why I did not kill it. Well, the way I look at things is that he has just as much right to be there as I do. I am a guest on nature's property, and I just don't think it is the right thing to do. In addition, timber rattlesnakes, that used to be prevalent in the Driftless Area, are now an endangered species. Why are they endangered? Because property owners keep killing them. In any case, for now I am waiting on the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources to confirm whether it is or is not a timber rattlesnake. I am actually at a 50/50 split on what it is, so I will wait until I hear back from them, as I had taken a few pictures that I forwarded to them.
UPDATE: This WAS NOT a Timber Rattlesnake; see post of July 17, 2017.
We wrapped up our work by noon, had some good lunch furnished by John, and had every intention of going off on some adventure. But, it seemed, chilling out was what was on everyone's mind.
Met with my new neighbor, Nick, for awhile. He is really making progress on clearing his property, but I am concerned about erosion exposure on his behalf. Good guy, though, and I think we'll have some good times and it is good to have someone engaged in their property as he is.
Saturday night consisted of John and Bryan going kiting (just kiting the parasailing kite) to introduce Bryan to this sport that John does. Otherwise, just supper and chillin'.
Sunday morning breakfast, and then do the slow load of things. Got back on the road around 2:00 after showers up at the campground.
In the picture included, you can see how much progress we have made in working on the camping site, and the new trail to the right. Also are (left to right) Keith, Dave, Bryan and John.
A great trip where we accomplished much.
As a side note..... We originally intended to haul Bryan's two kayaks up with Keith, but we didn't do that. The guys from Miles Paddled (milespaddled.com) actually kayaked the creek, from Trow Lake to the canoe landing, on that same Saturday we were there. Water was a bit low, but their review of this trip is here. They also kayaked Morrison Creek (review here) and Robinson Creek (review here), both great kayaks in addition to Hall's Creek. We will have other links to the Miles Paddled adventures in our area of the Driftless Area on our kayaking webpage.